Zakra Changelog: See What’s New

Here, we’ve listed the Zakra theme’s fixes, feature updates, and new demo release information.

  • 3.0.18 2024-05-29
    • Add
      • Option to set search page post limit.
    • Fix
      • WooCommerce css notice.
    • Enhancement
      • Welcome notice and get start button.
  • 3.0.17 2024-05-17
    • Fix
      • Search issue.
  • 3.0.16 2024-05-07
    • Fix
      • Compatibility with Elementor header footer plugin.
  • 3.0.15 2024-05-06
    • Add
      • Compatibility with Elementor header footer plugin.
    • Update
      • Compatibility with WPML plugin.
    • Fix
      • Page setting menu color issue.
  • 3.0.14 2024-04-18
    • Feature
      • To change normal search as product search.
    • Enhancement
      • Elementor header and footer plugin compatibility.
    • Fix
      • WooCommerce shortcode issue.
  • 3.0.13 2024-03-26
    • Added
      • To change post date type.
    • Fix
      • Open sans font issue.
      • Primary color issue fix.
      • WooCommerce button primary color issue.
      • Sale single page issue.
  • 3.0.12 2024-03-08
    • Added
      • Option to change content area padding.
    • Fix
      • Cart table word break issue.
      • Apply coupon and update cart primary color issue.
      • PHP 7.0.0 and 7.0.2 issue.
  • 3.0.11 2024-02-28
    • Enhancement
      • Introduced zakra_sidebar_before and zakra_sidebar_after hook.
  • 3.0.10 2024-02-14
    • Update
      • Dashboard design update.
    • Fix
      • One page menu issue.
  • 3.0.9 2024-01-16
    • Fix
      • PHP error.
  • 3.0.8 2023-12-27
    • Fix
      • Migration issue.
  • 2.0.14 2024-05-07
    • Fix
      • PHP error.
  • 2.0.13 2024-05-06
    • Fix
      • Page setting menu color issue.
      • Primary menu color issue.
  • 2.0.12 2024-04-18
    • Feature
      • Option to change drawer menu as sidebar drawer.
      • Option to change drawer menu typography.
      • Option to change drawer menu color.
      • Option to change drawer menu background.
      • Option to change drawer menu padding.
      • Option to change YITH Wishlist header position in layout 2.
    • Fix
      • Related product option issue.
  • 2.0.11 2024-03-26
    • Option
      • To change add to cart padding.
      • To change view to cart padding.
    • Fix
      • Mobile menu toggle issue on search disable.
      • Global primary menu in WooCommerce.
  • 2.0.10 2024-03-08
    • Fix
      • Mobile menu toggle issue.
      • Grid layout masonry issue.
  • 2.0.9 2024-02-28
    • Add
      • Option to change the sidebar background color.
      • Option to change the sidebar title color.
      • Option to change the sidebar text color.
      • Option to change the sidebar link color.
  • 2.0.8 2024-02-14
    • Update
      • Dashboard design update.
  • 2.0.7 2023-12-12
    • Fix
      • Infinity scroll issue.
  • 2023-11-07
    • Fix
      • Dual menu header button issue.
  • 2.0.6 2023-11-07
    • Fix
      • Dual menu header variation issue.
    • Update
      • Dual menu customizer icons.
  • 2.0.5 2023-11-06
    • Fix
      • Customizer widget title issue.

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